Distinguishing Australian Professional Bodies [digital]

Distinguishing Australian Professional Bodies (2007)
Andy Friedman and Jane Mason (November 2007)

This is the first book to present a comprehensive picture of Australian professional bodies and their practices, and to compare them with professional bodies in other countries.

Approaches to member relations, governance, continuing professional development, operations and ethics from 49 Australian professional bodies are compared with 75 in Canada, 110 in the UK and 21 in Ireland.

There is much to be learnt from international comparisons and this book highlights the latest developments and interesting practice that Australian professional bodies might wish to consider.

This book also examines the proposition that professional bodies are becoming more strategic, more reflective, more structured, in short, more professional. This process of professionalisation can be seen internationally. It also introduces the idea that professional bodies should be recognised as a sector in their own right.

The Professional Associations Research Network (PARN) is an international membership organisation dedicated to the support of good practice among professional bodies. PARN provides thought and knowledge leadership for professional bodies through a research enriched network, and offers a wide range of specialist knowledge based services and events.