EDI SIG | 24th November 2023 | Virtual

Join us for the final EDI SIG of 2023! We have invited, as speaker, a representative of the Young Foundation. The Foundation has recently been commissioned to perform research into the social mobility of members in professional bodies. Their talk will provide insights and advice on how to conduct research that tackles the subject of equity, diversity and inclusion.

Join us for the final EDI SIG meeting of 2023!

 This event is free to all PARN members. If you're a non-member and would like to join, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]

We have invited, as speaker, a representative of the Young Foundation. The Foundation has recently been commissioned to perform research into the social mobility of members in professional bodies. Their talk will provide insights and advice on how to conduct research that tackles the subject of equity, diversity and inclusion. 

Subjects discussed in the meeting will include: 

    • Topline results from cutting research within the sector on social mobility  
    • How to appropriately and considerately conduct research into EDI within your own professional body 
    • The impact and value of conducting research in EDI within membership organisations 



Using research and insight to shape action on EDI across professions

Alice Bell, senior researcher at The Young Foundation, will share insights and learnings from her experiences of researching EDI across a range of professions. The presentation will discuss the value and limits of different methods and approaches to gaining insight on EDI – including understanding lived experiences, involving professionals, monitoring progress, and exploring interventions and action. This draws on current research with a collaborative of 12 professional membership and regulatory bodies; as well as previous research with the Social Research Association and GuildHE, among others.


Alistair McCapra, CEO of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations and Linda Hausmanis, CEO of the Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management, both Steers of the EDI SIG, will provide their thoughts and experiences during the project and illustrate the value of conducting this type of research. 


As always, after each speaker we will have time for a Q&A session following by a segment to provide opportunities for discussion. 

We look forward to welcoming you to our final event of the year! 

Should you experience any issues or have any questions regarding the EDI SIG, please contact Alex Witt at [email protected]  

11/24/2023 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
GMT Standard Time
Registration is closed.