Benefit from our research and experience in comparing and classifying foundation documents.

How do we review your foundation documents?

We determine whether your foundation documents are still fit for purpose and whether they reflect the current aims of your professional body.

We help you balance your aims between the benefit to your members, clients of members and the general public.

We guide you on the implications of changing your objectives, how long the process takes and who needs to be consulted.

Foundation documents that we can review for your professional body include:

  • Constitution
  • By-laws
  • Charter
  • Memorandum
  • Articles of association
  • Regulations
  • Corporate governance documents
  • Governing documents
  • Standards orders

Find Out More

For more information about how PARN can review your foundation documents, contact Robert Pitts, Head of Services at PARN:

T:   0117 928 1997 (Direct line)
E:   [email protected]