Developing or revising a competency framework? We guide, support and evaluate your efforts with a tailored service to ensure your framework is successful.

How does our input help you?

Our advice on competency frameworks is based on extensive research of the development processes, structure and content of over 35 frameworks used by professional bodies. Discover the pitfalls to avoid and learn from the advice of others.

Our service looks at common problems with competency frameworks, including:

  • When the design does not align with the purpose
  • Overly complex structures with inconsistent levels and overlaps
  • Overly long, complex and confusing statements

Starting from scratch?

We can help your professional body by:

  • Guiding all stages of developing a new competency framework
  • Ensuring your development process is robust
  • Benchmarking your development process against common approaches in the sector
  • Helping you to clarify the purpose of your framework
  • Advising on the structure and content of your framework

Need perspective on your existing framework?

We can analyse and critically review your framework in order to:

  • Quality assure your competency framework
  • Benchmark your framework against a set of common dimensions
  • Rewrite your competency statements to ensure consistency throughout

Find Out More

For further information about our competency frameworks services, contact Robert Pitts, Head of Services at PARN:

T:   0117 928 1997 (Direct line)
E:   [email protected]