Member Experience: New Directions & Innovation at Professional Bodies [digital]

Robert Pitts & Karthika Nadarajah (2018)

Very few professional bodies have been able to clearly define exactly what they mean by member engagement.

As a result, corporate-wide agreement about its meaning is rarely found, despite a widespread belief that member engagement is central to professional body operations and activities.

No matter who we are, where we live or what we do with our lives, we are all members of an interconnected world community. From face to face to Facebook, we are all increasingly engaged with each other - and we all benefit from this level of engagement.

It is this symbiotic relationship that professional bodies illustrate in their attempts to win the hearts and minds of their members.

Pursuing engagement appears to offer much, but can we be sure that first class engagement delivers? Perhaps the key is to consider how members experience their individual relationships with their professional body. If we exchange engagement for experience then we are immediately transported to a new landscape that offers fresh insights to the member relationship debate.

This book sets out to question frequently made assumptions about membership engagement and to provide an exploration of the issues involved. Containing new PARN research, it’s a valuable resource for anyone involved in membership development at a professional body or association.

Are you a PARN member? Read this book for free in our Members Area. Call us on 0117 929 4515 for a reminder of your log-in details.